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Showing posts from September, 2022

Black Culture in Today’s World

The black culture is top-tier. This culture as a whole stands out. The black culture is very distinctive; the way they communicate it’s unique, as well as how united they are. The Black Culture is exclusive and it makes us who they are. From the African American Vernacular English to the food, the way they carry themselves, along with how they come together as one. Image , language, and unity play significant roles in being connected to black culture.       Your image plays a major role in black culture; people tend to stereotype people based on how you present yourself. First, if a black person was to stay in trouble a lot and have an attitude periodically; they would have a bad image of certain people. That person would now be labeled as an angry troublemaker. The A Letter to My Niece magazine stated, “Growing up, your mother was a lot like she is now —aggressively content and headstrong.”. She went on to say, “The world, howev