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Stereotypes: All Black Men Cheat   

Habitually, black men are stereotyped as "They all cheat!" originated from women of color. According to the article "The terrifying of stereotypes-and how to deal with them," states "Stigmatized individuals experience anxiety which depletes their cognitive resources and leads to underperformance, confirmation of the negative stereotype and reinforcement of the fear." ("Ziwe on TikTok")—implying that black men experience anxiety due to the different stereotypes thrown at them, which leads to men of color living up to those stereotypes. These men then believe that this stereotype is genuine and begin to act less than who they are. Stereotypes run hand in hand with discrimination, leading to unfair treatment of men of color. In most cases, women tend to judge all men based on their one experience. The stereotype 'All Black Men Cheat' produces a biased attitude that can affect the growth and development of black men.  

The all-black men cheat stereotype interferes with men of color being who they indeed are. Men of color hear a tremendous number of stereotypes being thrown at them daily. After so long, some may begin to live up to the standards that have been for them. By living up to these standards, they are diminishing their character. "When we are affected by stereotype threat, brain regions responsible for emotional self-regulation and social feedback are activated while activity in the regions responsible for task performance is inhibited." ("Ziwe on TikTok"). This statement from the article authenticates that stereotypes can refrain people from being themselves. 

Women sabotage their chance at true love by believing and passing this stereotype on. People tend to just people or things based on one bad experience. "You are sabotaging any chance you might have for a relationship that is monogamous, that is faithful because you're programming yourself with that type of thought process. ("Coachkencanion on TikTok"). Canion advocates that women are ruining their chance at true love because they're too busy believing a stereotype. When in all actuality, all men do not cheat; you just haven't met your person who is faithful to just you. You must open yourself up and have an open mind.  

People must accept that people can change over time. People, as a whole, go through different phases of life. In some cases, black boys might've experienced an incident where they cheated. Also, keep in mind that people evolve. "I don't cheat, I used to cheat...So black men don't cheat today? Black men don't, black boys may still cheat." ("Ziwe on TikTok"). Charlamagne implies that people can change, and once a boy changes and reaches a certain level of maturity, he becomes a man. "Men grow up, and men change. You can make mistakes and grow from it and learn from it." ("Goalcast on TikTok"). In life, young boys tend to explore their options with many ladies; you must make mistakes to grow from them.  

Some women may argue that all black men cheat stereotypes apply to every man of color. "A lot of men settle in relationships. That means you end up with the girl you will be with you, not the girl you want to be with. And that's why so many people cheat because they are with people they're not supposed to be with." ("Tonight's Conversation Cards on TikTok"). They're insinuating that men do cheat, but they cheat due to them not being in a relationship with someone that is meant for them. I'm afraid I have to disagree with this idea. If black men continue to live up to this conventional idea and women continue to believe it, it could affect black love. Women tend to be biased and think all men cheat when not every man of color is unfaithful. "There are a lot of men who are faithful, who are loyal, and ultimately, they're not looking for the next best thing. They're trying to appreciate what is in front of them, so we've got to get away from this mindset." ("Do All Men Cheat? PLEASE LISTEN"). Women need to come to an acceptance that all men aren't the same.  

In conclusion, black men have enough stereotypes thrown at them that affect their development. The act of some black men should not dictate how all black men are perceived. Within their lives, these black men have more long and healthy relationships than their women. Females value these men more and feel more confident to do more and trust, black men. In conclusion, all black men have different perspectives and views of females. 

Works Cited

"Coachkencanion on TikTok."

"Do All Men Cheat? PLEASE LISTEN." YouTube, 18 Apr. 2019,

"Goalcast on TikTok."

"Tonight's Conversation Cards on TikTok."

"Ziwe on TikTok."
